Evaluation Topics: Feedback, feedforward & force feedback
Interaction Fidelity
It is often assumed that more realism is always desirable in VR, yet this is not fully understood. Realistic interactions are VR interactions that work as closely as possible to the way we interact in the real world. The other end of the interaction fidelity spectrum is non-realistic interactions, that in no way relate to reality. For instance: pushing a button on a non-tracked controller to shoot a laser from the eyes. This interaction has a low fidelity. However, low interaction fidelity is not necessarily a disadvantage as it can increase performance, cause less fatigue and increase enjoyment. In the middle of the spectrum are the magical interactions, where users make natural physical movements, but the technique makes users more powerful by giving them new and enhanced abilities or intelligent guidance. Although not realistic, magical interactions often uses interaction metaphors to help users quickly develop a mental model of how an interaction works.
How Does Interaction Fidelity Influence User Experience in VR Locomotion?
Examples of providing feedback, feedforward and force feedback
Highlighting objects (visually outlining, changing color of objects)
Audio cues (short intrusive tones or large audio recordings)
Passive Haptics (static physical objects that can be touched)
Rumble (vibration of input device)
Feedback, Feedforward and Force Feedback
Feedback and Feedforward
Feedback focuses on current performance, whereas FeedForward looks ahead to the next assignment. Positive and Negative feedback can be provided. You can provide single loop feedback (learning for the first time and what you learn) and double loop feedback (re-adjust previously learned and how you learn) and even triple loop feedback (reflect on all that's been learned and why you wanted to learn this) Feedforward primes the user in expected futural behaviour, in order to create an efficient learning process.
article 3: Feedback and feedforward control (short video) article 4: Investigating Visual Feedforward for Target Expansion Techniques
Force Feedback
CLAW acts as a multi-purpose controller that contains both the expected functionality of VR controllers (thumb buttons and joysticks, 6DOF control, index finger trigger) as well as enabling a variety of haptic renderings for the most commonly expected hand interactions: grasping objects, touching virtual surfaces and receiving force feedback. But a unique characteristic of the CLAW is its ability to adapt haptic rendering by sensing differences in the user’s grasp and the situational context of the virtual scene.
article 5: Microsoft Shows New Research in Haptics With ‘CLAW’ VR Controller Prototype
The world’s first fully integrated smart clothing apparel with Haptic Feedback, Motion Capture, Climate Control and Biometric Feedback systems.
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